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Elmer Gantry [1960]
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Elmer Gantry Burt Lancaster

Apr 28, 2013

Elmer Gantry [1960]

Burt Lancaster & Shirley Jones

 Elmer Gantry is a fast talking, hard drinking traveling salesman who always has a risqué story and a hip flask to entertain cronies and customers alike. He is immediately taken with Sister Sharon Falconer, a lay preacher whose hellfire and damnation revivalism has attracted quite a following. Gantry uses his own quick wit and knowledge of the bible to become an indispensable part of Sister Sharon's roadshow but soon finds that his past catches up with him in the form of Lulu Bains, now a prostitute. While Gantry seeks and eventually gets forgiveness from Sharon, tragedy strikes when she finally manages to get out of her revivalist tent and opens a permanent church. Written by garykmcd

Elmer Gantry, salesman, teams up with Sister Sharon Falconer, evangelist, to sell religion to America in the 1920's. They make enough money to build a temple, and Sister Sharon falls for Elmer. Elmer, is tested by temptation and almost capitulates, but is then wrongly accused by the jilted temptress. But Sharon stands by her man and truth prevails, until both are seduced by fame and blind faith over common sense, and fate deals them a crushing blow.

This is the type of thing which gives Religion/Christianity a bad name
Con men and shysters looking to make a quick buck off people's genuine desire to find the truth in Christ
